Living in Cyprus


Cyprus property prices rival those of Dubai and New York

The cost of real estate in Cyprus has increased by 30% over the last three years, according to industry professionals interviewed by Phileleftheros. This is attributed to the rise in construction material and fuel costs. The cost of a residential property has increased from €1,800 per square meter in 2022 to €2,500 per square meter in early 2024, according to industry insiders. Apartment prices have also

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Cyprus apartment, rental prices rise by 10%

Cyprus’ property market experienced price growth across most categories in the first quarter of 2024, according to the latest RICS Cyprus Property Price Index with KPMG in Cyprus. Apartments led the surge, with both sales and rental prices rising by around 10% year-on-year. Compared to the same period in 2023, apartment sales prices increased by 9.30%, while houses saw a more modest increase of 5.49%. Commercial

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Cyprus economy slows down in fourth quarter amid regional tension

Cyprus’ Composite Leading Economic Index (CLEI), a key economic indicator compiled by the University of Cyprus’ Economic Research Centre (CypERC), remained positive in the fourth quarter of 2023, albeit while experiencing a slowdown during this period. The centre noted that the ongoing deceleration of the index underscores the challenges posed by a geopolitical environment rife with tension, combined with a broader sense of economic instability, on

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Mortgage of a share of a plot

The mortgage burdens the share of the plot and the building and not the apartment During the construction of apartment buildings, in their attempt to sell apartments, developers often facilitate buyers in securing a loan from a bank by offering a mortgage on a share of the plot or land that corresponds to the apartment. They believe they are helping the buyer and that the other

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Swapping a house for an apartment

The question of whether to swap a house for an apartment comes up quite regularly for homeowners who have reached a certain age. Circumstances change. Children grow up and leave home, older people are not as active as they used to be and finances are not as healthy as were when their house was built or purchased. When investing in a house for a family with

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Cyprus leads EU in cross-border investment services

Cyprus has emerged as the top-ranking European Union member state in providing cross-border investment services, according to George Theocharides, chairman of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). The announcement came following a session of the House Finance Monday on Monday, where Theocharides presented the commission’s budget for 2024. The CySEC chairman also outlined the commission’s plans to introduce a regulatory framework for crypto-assets from 2025.

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Συναρπαστικές Εξελίξεις στην Κυπριακή Κτηματαγορά: Μια Επισκόπηση των Τελευταίων Τάσεων

Η Κύπρος εδώ και καιρό αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό κέντρο ενδιαφέροντος για την κτηματαγορά, και πρόσφατες εξελίξεις αποτελούν την απόδειξη της συνεχούς ανάπτυξης και της έλξης της αγοράς ακινήτων σε αυτό το όμορφο νησί της Μεσογείου. 1.* *Άνοδος των Smart Homes: Η τελευταία τάση στην κτηματαγορά της Κύπρου επικεντρώνεται γύρω από τα smart homes. Οι κατασκευαστές ενσωματώνουν προηγμένη τεχνολογία σε νέες κατασκευές, προσφέροντας χαρακτηριστικά όπως οικιακή αυτοματοποίηση,

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Bad tenant register suggested as way to normalise rental prices

Council for Registration of Real Estate Agents president Marinos Kineyirou this week released a statement addressing the issue of soaring rental costs in Cyprus. “The troubling situation with rents is growing as inflationary pressures mount and household disposable income is squeezed,” Kineyirou said. “At a time when everything is getting more expensive, we see that the whole issue is becoming a subject of discussion not only

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Solutions to the rent problem

A good effort by the Cyprus Land Development Organisation (ΚΟΑG) to offer properties for rent (residential) at affordable levels. The announcement by this organisation and Limassol municipality to help lower income groups face in paying rent is noteworthy, although the supply to be provided is not enough to address the problem. In addition to the above effort, we had previously suggested our own thoughts on the

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Property developers scramble to meet demand as Limassol leads the way.

The high demand in the Cypriot real estate sector is in the process of being met with numerous high-value investments, with the Limassol district taking the lion’s share, the Council for Registration of Real Estate Agents said on Thursday. “The dynamic momentum that has developed in Limassol’s real estate sector continued unabated during the second quarter of 2022,” the council said, noting that Limassol accounted for

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